Test Method
Determines the time required for 60mL of sample to flow through a calibrated orifice under precisely controlled conditions. Saybolt Universal Seconds (SUS) is the standard measurement for lubricants, insulating oils and lighter fuel grades, and Saybolt Furol Seconds (SFS) is used for heavier oils and bitumens.
Constant temperature bath with automatic timing feature for viscosity determinations using Saybolt viscometer tubes and orifices. At the push of a button, the automatic timer starts the sample flow, senses the 60mL end point, and digitally records and displays the efflux time in 0.1 seconds resolution with an accuracy of 0.05%. Automatic timing improves testing accuracy and convenience, eliminating the chain and cork assembly and the need to manually time each sample. Timer installation is available in any configuration from 1 to 4 positions. Insulated bath interior is constructed entirely of heavy gauge stainless steel. A built-in overflow pipe and drain valve simplifies filling of the bath fluid to the proper level. Chemical resistant top plate provides excellent insulation and is easily removed to allow for cleaning of the bath interior. A cooling coil for tap water or refrigerated coolant is provided for operation at near-ambient temperatures. Steel cabinet has leveled feet and a chemical resistant polyurethane-epoxy finish.
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